Meet Dr. Frank and Dr. Steve
Let's get to it!

Dr. Steve Snodgrass, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Meet Dr. Steve Snodgrass, a distinguished former Chief of Surgery, Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, member of the American Medical Association, published author (scientific papers, books; fiction/nonfiction), and entrepreneur. With a stellar surgical career, Dr. Snodgrass brings a unique blend of expertise and decades of operative experience to the DrFrankenSteve Podcast. His extensive knowledge and background have contributed to an outstanding reputation in his chosen field which has resulted in thousands of positive patient outcomes . Dr. Snodgrass is committed to education and dedicated to both prevention and treatment of disease.
Join us in learning from a seasoned professional who believes in empowering individuals to navigate an often overwhelming healthcare world where being an advocate for yourself and/or loved ones is crucial. Your awareness and knowledge of the topics we cover in the DrFrankenSteve Podcast are our priority, and Dr. Snodgrass is here to guide you on the path to personal empowerment. With a stellar surgical career, Dr. Snodgrass brings a unique blend of expertise and decades of operative experience to the DrFrankenSteve Podcast. His extensive knowledge and background have contributed to an outstanding reputation in his chosen field which has resulted in thousands of positive patient outcomes . Dr. Snodgrass is committed to education and dedicated to both prevention and treatment of disease.
Frank Williams, Ph.D.
Meet Frank Williams. From a challenging childhood in tough neighborhoods to his military and law enforcement service, Frank's journey fueled a commitment to serving people and his community in several aspects of daily life. Trained in Jujitsu and hand-to-hand combat, he developed a mindset that emphasizes swift, effective action. Frank is a Christian, husband, father, and, retired law enforcement officer and veteran. Frank will rely on his training, background, factual research from credible sources when covering physical, mental, emotional, and situational aspects of everyday life. These areas will be used in his podcast to give you fact based information and personal thoughts on a wide range of topics. With decades of experience, Frank's promise is clear: To empower you and help you avoid becoming a victim.